Why Contracts Are So Important For Construction Projects

Albany construction contract lawyer
John Burley

Before one starts a construction project, whether you are the contractor or contracting individual, it is important to have a valid construction project contract. Many people may feel that the project is the most important fact, and while this is true, it is the contract that helps identify the different roles, responsibilities, payment procedures of each party. Should there be any issues down the track, it will also play a role in any potential disputes. Disputes can be very expensive but a well drafted construction contract will minimise the space for any disuptes by clearly stating each parties obligations. This article will provide information about how an Albany lawyer for construction contracts can help and which elements must be considered.

The Documentation For A Contract

Contrary to popular belief, the drafting of a construction project contract can be a very challenging and complex task. A typical construction project will require more than one contract due to the number of members involved and the different components of the project itself. It is important that all the contracts provide information of the assignment, along with data to help avoid any conflicts of interest or future disputes. The priority of a construction project contract is to ensure the deal is completed with respect, equality and fairness for all individuals. These details are well documented in construction law and practice.

The type of contract created will depend on the property being constructed; for example, a residential construction will have a different form to commercial construction contracts. The average commercial construction project will require a building contract; documentation on the appointments for the team; documentation on any external appointments; and documentation regarding the obligations of a project manager and quantity surveyor.

The Form Of Building Contracts

The building contract should be viewed as the basic contract and must detail all requirements of the construction project, including the time period in which it must be completed and the payments to be made. A factor to consider when drafting this documentation is safeguarding policies; unfortunately, standard construction contract formats do not incorporate and safeguarding policies. This can be highly detrimental when attempting to make amendments to the contract. It is recommended to hire an Albany lawyer for construction contracts to ensure all factors are covered in the contract and there is little need for any amendments.

The Form Of Professional Appointments

The standard format for professional appointments documentation differs according to the company and the construction. Irrespective of the formal, the professional appointments documentation must include information on liabilities and limitations for making claims. Seeing as these important factors are to be included in the contract, it is recommended one obtains the services of a construction lawyer and draft a beneficial professional appointments contract.

The Collateral Warranty

One important issue to consider when drafting any contract is the issue of collateral warranties. A collateral warranty is a means of creating direct contractual links between the owner and any sub-contractors employed by the contractor. This is important as it allows the owner to claim against the sub-contractor in the event of defective work, and as many construction projects require third-party assistance it may be worth reviewing. There are various structures that can be applied to collateral warranties and one must be aware of the most suitable for the particular project.

In Summary

As can be seen, there are various factors that one must take into account when entering a construction project. As you can see it is crucial that the contract document is correctly worded and formatted. To do this you must work with an Albany lawyer for construction contracts. For assistance in that regard, you can contact McVeagh Fleming and Co to discuss how you might go forward.

Henderson plumber for gas-fitting

Hire A Plumber For Gas Fitting And Installation


Plumbers are generally associated with fixing water-based problems in the home; however, this is not the only problem they are able to resolve. Contrary to popular belief, plumbers are able to manage difficulties with gas pipe systems. It does make sense seeing as water pipe systems can be linked to the property’s gas line system; for example, gas operated boilers will heat water for use by the residents. While it may be possible to fix water-related difficulties independently; it is highly recommended that one seek out trained professionals to deal with gas pipe system complications. This article will provide information looking at the considerations one must make when hiring a Henderson gas fitter for gas fitting and installation; as well as examining the different elements to a gas pipe system.

To obtain effective gas fitting and installation services, it is recommended that one have an understanding of what gas fitting is and why it is vital to a property. Traditionally, commercial and residential properties utilized coal gas sources; however, with the introduction of natural gas the coal gas option was eliminated. While natural gas is a more cost-effective and energy efficient option, it does present with various safety risks when compared with coal gas. It has been noted that natural gas pipes are at greater risk of exploding and causing fire; therefore it is essential to hire a trained professional to resolve gas system problems.

When facing natural gas pipe problems, it is important to consider not only the gas but also the by-products created by the natural gas. In the majority of cases these by-products do not present harmful consequences and merely function to show the appropriate operation of the gas pipe line; however, when exposed to a leakage the carbon dioxide and water could be detrimental to the individual and property health.


Another by-product to consider is that of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide can easily be released into the air when a fuel burning resource begins malfunctioning. While by-products are not always dangerous, the element of carbon monoxide can be hazardous to an individual’s health. If an individual were exposed to this element for a prolonged period of time it may result in death or neurological impairment. This is the reason most properties present with carbon monoxide monitors installed to keep an eye on this element’s levels.

The job of a professional Henderson gas fitter is to eliminate the risk of being exposed to dangerous gas elements and resolving the problem effectively. To ensure the plumber is a trained professional, it is necessary that they have the correct certification. It is only with expert training that the plumber is able to provide appropriate skills to repair and install gas pipes. One should always question the individual’s abilities before employment as a poorly trained or untrained individual will not be aware of the equipment to be used and procedures to be followed.

As is mentioned above, there is specific equipment required to repair or install gas pipe lines. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the electronic gas leak identifier device in order to locate the leakage in the gas line. This device will locate the leak by determining the highest concentration of gas in the pipe. Once this has been detected, it is the plumber, a company like Heron for example, who will decide whether the pipe is replaced or repaired; irrespective of the option chosen, it is necessary that one has a full working knowledge of how to complete these tasks.

As can be seen, hiring a plumber to repair, fit and install gas pipes requires a great deal of consideration. By using the information above one can be sure to hire a competent Henderson gas fitter.


Auckland Dispute Lawyer

What Recourse Does A Consumer Have When Products Bought Are Not As Advertised

Craig Andrews
Craig Andrews

There is nothing more frustrating than buying products whether it is online or at a local store and you don’t get what was advertised. Perhaps for weeks you’ve been seeing this particular item advertised on sale, and now you are ready to go make the purchase. You bring the item home, open up the box and it is nothing like you expected it to be.

When you get products that are not as advertised you either contact the company to get your money back or you get an even exchange. In some cases the company is not willing to do anything, then at that point you are mad, frustrated and looking for a way to make this business understand that what they did was unacceptable. You can talk to the CAB about your options – they are vey helpful.

The simplest way to get back at a company and let them know you are never buying from them again is to review the product online. You can usually tell what a company is like by the amount of bad reviews they get online. This is why it is so important for consumers to take an active role in the process when they feel like they have been badly treated by a company. However, even after leaving a fair review, you are still left with the faulty goods or service.

The worst is when you call the company and the customer service agent is rude or does not answer your query. The conversation ends up going nowhere. While this process may be frustrating, remember that a company cannot decide to avoid its obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act. Even if they have a statement on their terms and conditions about that, it is of no use; they are still liable.

Another thing a consumer can do is if you bought the product using a credit card, then contact their credit card company and tell them about the transaction. It may be possible that you can get compensation via the credit card company.

For lower-priced items it might just be a case of “buyer beware” and decide to not buy from that company again. However for more expensive items, you may want to take this further for example by contacting an Auckland consumer affairs lawyer.

A lawyer will be able to explain your rights and the supplier’s obligations. A good Auckland dispute lawyer will tell you if it is worth pursuing the claim bearing in mind the likely costs of the case. Often, a letter from a solicitor will produce the result you want so your costs may not be too high anyway.

So if you have been supplied with faulty goods or services, then contact a consumer affairs or dispute lawyer in Auckland. A firm like McVeagh Fleming has a team of specialist lawyers who can help you. You can get some more details from their website here http://www.mcveaghfleming.co.nz/.